Tom Kelly owner of Kelly Tree Services is a fully qualified and experienced arborist having worked in the industry since 2004. Tom studied at college between 2004—2006 gaining a ND in Forestry and Arboriculture with merit. Since then, Tom has worked for various companies large and small. Kelly Tree Services gains it's experience from working in small city gardens to managing large scale projects for government bodies. These projects range from large scale tree-planting and tree-removals for change in city infrastructure to tree pest and disease management for the countries leading parks and gardens.


At Kelly Tree Services we recommend tree planting as much as possible. We can advise and help you select the most appropriate species for your garden from single tree planting to the planting of hedgerows. We only select our trees from professional nurseries and will obtain you the best specimen possible for the appropriate choice for your location.

Tree pruning is often an essential process; from formative pruning of young trees to the pruning of large mature trees. Upon inspection of your tree an appropriate form of pruning will be recommended if necessary. There are several pruning methods.
Formative Pruning
This refers to the pruning of young trees to establish good form and stable growth in a strong crown. This is an essential preventative form of pruning as it will reduce the need of expensive pruning In the future. The main benefit is that it will reduce the need for putting larger pruning cuts/wounds on a mature tree in the future of its development.
Crown Clean
Crown cleaning involves the removal of deadwood, epicormic growth and crossing branches from a trees canopy.
Crown Reduction
This method of pruning is the reduction of the size of a tree's canopy. This will be recommended in linear measurements. The tree's branches/limbs will be pruned back to appropriate growth points. These cuts should be kept as small as possible to minimise decay of the wound. This may be recommended to reduce wind loading or to reduce the risk of failure of a structural defect. Trees often outgrow their location in an urban environment, this will manage their size and maintain long term health and safety of the tree for the future.
Crown Thinning
Crown thinning is the removal of often smaller branches throughout a tree's canopy. The main aims of crown thinning are for better air and light penetration through the canopy. This can be undertaken to lighten the weight of large limbs and of the entire canopy as a whole.
Crown Raising
This method involves the removal or pruning of the lower branches of the tree. This is often to provide clearance over footpaths, highways or structures.

Tree felling should hopefully be the last choice of recommendations for a tree. But in some cases the felling or removal may be the most appropriate option. This maybe due to a decline in the trees health and safety. Felling from the ground is the safest option but not always possible in an urban environment. Where the tree cannot be felled it will be climbed by a fully qualified arborist and sectionally dismantled using modern rigging techniques. This involves lowering sections of tree by rope as to not damage surrounding surfaces or structures.

This can be as simple as an annual trim of hedges and shrubs to the complete overhaul of an overgrown hedgerow.

When a tree is removed sometimes it may be necessary to remove the stump as well. This will be carried out by using a mechanical stump grinder. This will remove the stump to a varying depth underground depending on the size of machine. This may be done to facilitate new planting or for building or simply to grass over an area.